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Saturday, March 21, 2015

 7:43 PM      No comments
Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) offers high caliber, inventive degree projects of training and preparing in diaconia, nursing, communication through signing understanding, group deciphering, social administrations and youth work. Diak stresses a nearby relationship to practice and working life. It has seven grounds placed in diverse districts of Finland. Diak additionally offers postgraduate studies in diaconia, wellbeing advancement and social administrations, and completes innovative work. All Diak units are effectively occupied with the particular social and wellbeing issues they could call their own districts. Diak qualities are taking into account Christianity, hence, we accentuate the human poise of every individual. Diak is focused on social equity, solidarity and the strengthening of individuals. It means to prepare individuals to impact social change, work for a multicultural society and battle social avoidance. Diak has around 3,000 understudies. Pretty nearly 40 % of the understudies decide to take courses that issue them double capabilities in the fields of community work, adolescence work, diaconal or adolescence work in the Evangelical Lutheran Religious of Finland. The Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, in operation for a long time now, has verifiable foundations of just about 140 years. One of the establishments  behind Diak, the Helsinki Deaconess Institute, began deaconess instruction as ahead of schedule as 1867. Truth be told, we can consider training in the social segment in Finland to have started by then of period. In 1989, open public argument occurred in Finland concerning the trialing  of colleges of connected sciences. The foundation of colleges of connected sciences was planned to redress issues experienced with the prior educational system, to upgrade the nature of instruction, and to respond to changes in the public eye and working lifetime. Amid 1989-1990, the meetings responsible for training ministers and church youth specialists launched exchange concerning whether this instruction, school level up to that time, ought to indeed be organized in colleges of connected sciences.
The trial time of Diak as a college of connected sciences started in August 1996. The units included around then were Helsinki, Kauniainen, Järvenpää and Pori. In 1997, the Pieksämäki unit joined, and in 1998, the Turku unit. Diak was created on a lasting premise in 2000. The Lahti and Oulu units joined in that year. The Lahti unit was ceased toward the end of 2006 because of the improvement of the structure of colleges and advanced education organizations. Right now, Diak is upheld by eight in number master gatherings  in the fields of social administrations, wellbeing, diaconia and youth chip away at the neighborhood, territorial and national levels. In the spring of 2007, the Church Central Fund of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland purchased partakes in the Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (Dak Oy). Along  these  lines, the congregation likewise formally turned into one of the gatherings looking after Diak - yet just as a minority shareholder. At the point when Diak University of Applied Sciences was secured, a UAS of an exceptionally exceptional character was conceived. In any case, the key viewpoint in the work of Diak is the advancement of morally vigorous social instruction in the fields of social welfare, wellbeing, humanities and training. In the second place, its unique national obligation is the advancement of chapel based instruction for elders, deaconesses and youth laborers. Diak is responsible for more than 90% of UAS training prompting capability for posts of chapel social work and youth work in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. Diak is, by a long shot, the biggest UAS-level instructor in the field of social administrations in Finland. In the social and wellbeing segment, it is the main national-level UAS ready to give preparing and working-life administrations covering the geological territory going from the metropolitan range to Oulu and from Pieksämäki.


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