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Saturday, March 21, 2015

 7:29 PM      No comments
Oulu UAS instructs real and capable experts for the needs of working life. Our Bachelor's degree projects are on EQF (European Quality Framework and Other Learning) level 6 and our Master's degree programs on level 7. We have roughly 8,000 understudies and 640 staff. We work in Oulu, Oulainen and Raahe. What's more, we have task sort exercises in a few districts around Northern Finland. Our operations are government supported, and evaluated by the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC). We actualize northern locale advancement destinations in the accompanying center regions: Future wellbeing and prosperity, Energy, regular assets and nature.
The operations of Oulu UAS are guided by client introduction, skill, gainfulness and a feeling of group. Client introduction implies that the needs of financial and expert life, key partners and understudies are contemplated in an intelligent way. Aptitude calls for abilities that address the changing needs of expert life and stem from the blend of hypothesis and practice. Benefit calls for quality, effectiveness and organizing of operations with a specific end goal to accomplish mutually concurred targets. A feeling of group means strong, certifiable, multi-proficient co-operation between all gatherings in the advanced education group. Oulu UAS teaches experts for Northern Finland, whose skill compares to the needs and advancement of the working life in the locale. We build up our instructing in close co-operation with working life, industry and business. This is the manner by which we advance aggressiveness and additionally the ability, occupation and prosperity of the individuals in the locale. We give degree program studies, proficient specialization studies, academic learns at the School of Vocational Teacher Education, open college concentrates on and in addition further preparing. Our normal center ranges are economical advancement, internationality, business enterprise and additionally development and improvement. Enhanced co-operation with the fields of study and in addition solid coordinated effort with our vested parties are essential territories in our operations. We have a sum of 28 Bachelor's degree projects, of which three are taught in English. The degree projects issue you the abilities and information you have to fill in as an expert master, to take after and advance the most recent improvement patterns of your zone of aptitude and to set up forever long learning. You can consider a Master's degree in ten degree programs, all of which are taught in Finnish. A Master's degree sets you up for requesting expert and administration obligations. The studies are useful and in view of the needs of working life so as to extend your expert capability and expertise. Professional specialization studies are broad further preparing projects in light of Bachelor's degrees. The degree of the studies is chiefly 30 or 60 ECTS credits. Open college studies give a plausibility to advanced education to all - paying little respect to your past studies. Courses at open college are the same as in degree programs. We offer educator instruction to educators, and to those needing to end up instructors of colleges of connected sciences and professional establishments. The training gives capability likewise to educate at grown-up instructive focuses, liberal grown-up instructive focuses and additionally to fill in as a subject instructor at upper optional schools and elementary schools. With our expert further training we can rapidly respond to changes in meeting expectations life and react to the requests of new skill. These administrations are accessible boh to organizations and private person.


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