Metropolia consents to the prerequisites of the European
Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), which encourages the estimation
and exchange of learning encounters between organizations.
• Helsinki
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland's biggest college of
connected sciences, teaches the experts of tomorrow in the fields of society,
business, human services and social managements, and revolution.
• In the
Metropolia group individuals and planets meet to make understanding, skill and
prosperity for both the universe of work and life when all is said in done.
• You can
rely on Metropolia as a solid accomplice and a trend-setter in advanced
education. Through participation we find new thoughts and answers for assemble
a superior future.
Metropolia's aspiring objective is that, by 2014, it has
turned into the most regarded college of connected sciences in Finland and the
learning group with the best capacity to recharge itself. The majority of
Metropolia's exercises are in view of its system and commonly characterized
qualities that direct the operations towards the objectives plot in the method.
In this way, all actions must be aggressive and of high caliber.
Metropolia methodicallly assesses the usage of its system,
its own particular operations and the accomplishment of its objectives.
Operations are produced and enhanced taking into account results acquired from
the assessment and input framework so that
• Metropolia
addresses the clients' issues and satisfies its client guarantees,
• Metropolia's
operations are as per its values,
• everybody
is focused on Metropolia's system and methods for working,
• the
advancement of operations and its outcomes are frequently imparted inside and
to outside buddies, and
• students,
staff and partners take part in dialog on input got and the advancement of
Growing excellent and aggressive operations is a piece of
Metropolia's joint and objective arranged normal operations that go for higher
quality, nonstop learning and resilience of on-going procedures. The components
of brilliant and focused operations, and the destinations and standards
concerning them, apply to the majority of Metropolia's units. Metropolia plans
to separate itself from different colleges of connected sciences with
astounding and imaginative of working ideas. Metropolia guarantees to wind up
known for its great environment and an enthusiasm for effectively doing things.
The strategies for coming to Metropolia's brilliant operations are depicted in
the quality archive entitled "The Metropolia Mode". Helsinki
Metropolia Academia of Applied Sciences is a standout among the most global
colleges of connected sciences in Finland. The universal exercises at
Metropolia incorporate worldwide degree projects, understudy and instructor
versatility, work situation opportunities abroad and different undertakings.
What's more, the instructing in remote dialects, global
degree understudies, outside instructors and trade understudies make a truly
worldwide environment at Metropolia. Metropolia has 15 global degree programs
in which the dialect of direction is English. 900 universal degree
understudies, who speak to more than 90 separate nationalities, learn at
Metropolia consistently. Notwithstanding the global degree understudies, there
are more than 400 trade understudies from accomplice foundations of advanced
education from everywhere throughout the wor
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