Laurea's new motto,
"Together we are solider", mirrors our events to result the
entire Uusimaa area, as a joint University of Applied Sciences for the entire
of Uusimaa. And additionally having an effect in Uusimaa, the University is in
the meantime getting an effect its principle fields of exploration on both a
national and universal level, which establishes the framework for the worldwide
advancement of preparing and RDI exercises. Laurea University of Applied Skills
is attentive on an understudy focused college method, which is demonstrated for
our substitutes in our administration guarantee: "We here at Laurea are
only for you". The objective of Laurea's key work is in the meantime
likewise to imagine and diagram those decisions which need to be made with the
goal us should accomplish our 2020 target: Laurea University of Applied
Sciences is a international designer of metropolitan prosperity and global
Laurea is an individual from the Federation of Universities
of Applied Sciences, FUAS. FUAS is an society together of three self-sufficient
colleges of connected sciences; Häme University of Applied Sciences, Lahti
University of Applied Sciences, and Laurea School of Applied Skills. This
understanding based collusion works in the Greater Helsinki Metropolitan Zone:
Uusimaa, Päijät-Häme, Kanta-Häme, and Southern Pirkanmaa. The FUAS and its
system based working model help to exchange the information and aptitude of
three colleges of connected sciences to their whole working territory. The key
advantage for understudies is the wide and fantastic instructive procurement
that the understudies can use the entire year around. For the universe of work
FUAS offers thorough RDI administration items taking into account the differing
skill. FUAS enhances the fitness and asset productivity of the part foundations
in the fields of FUAS center territories and ranges of vital participation.
FUAS vision for 2020 is: FUAS empowers the part foundations to offer the
understudies excellent training and the broadest scope of study opportunities
all through the educated year. FUAS allows the most broad RDI administration
items taking into account various mastery for the little and medium-sized
undertakings and groups in the working zone of the part governments. FUAS has
four territories of key collaboration: Summer Studies, Graduate School, Virtual
Campus and Services for groups and groups. The center ranges of FUAS guide and
structure the instructive and RDI exercises of FUAS. The center ranges are:
Technological fitness and business enterprise, Environment and vitality
effectiveness, Societal security and uprightness and Ensuring welfare and good
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